
This plugin adds "quickmarks" (i.e. quick bookmarking) functionality by simple key strokes without having to fill in dialogs. The plugin is inspired by the work by Florin (chronos21F (-at-) hotmail.com) as "published" on Bugzilla on Eclipse.org and this other Eclipse bug report. The plugin has subsequently been enhanced heavily by Georg Rehfeld (who is responsible for practically all development following version 1.0.1).

The plugin exists in an Eclipse 2.1.x and an Eclipse 3.x version. Please select the appropriate version on the download page.


With this plugin it is possible to work in both styles around, "B" company style (default) with 10 directly settable/jumpable Quickmarks, switching/opening editors when neccessary, and "M" company style with only 3 key bindings, an unlimited number of Quickmarks, but having to toggle through them forward/backward. It is also fairly configurable to give you the best of both worlds. And it comes with detailed online documentation.


Latest version for Eclipse 3.x: v3.0.2

Latest version for Eclipse 2.1.x: v1.0.11

(see changes) or download.